Fekkas: Favorite dessert in Fez and beloved in Morocco

is a traditional Moroccan almond cookie that is a staple of Moroccan cuisine. It is made with a simple dough of flour, eggs, sugar, & butter, & is filled with a mixture of ground almonds, sugar, and spices. Fekkas are typically baked in a wood-fired oven, which gives them their characteristic crispy exterior & chewy interior.

Picture for A plate full of Moroccan Faqqas sweets. The sweets are a traditional Moroccan dessert made with almonds, sugar, and honey. They are shaped into small balls and coated in a layer of sugar. The plate is filled with a variety of colors and textures, and it suggests a sense of sweetness and joy.



The exact origins of fekkas are unknown, but they are thought to have been around for centuries. Fekkas are believed to have originated in the Maghreb region, which includes Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. They were originally made by Amazigh tribes, who would often take them on long journeys as a source of sustenance.


A bowl full of Moroccan Faqqass sweets, and a teapot with cups next to it. The sweets are a traditional Moroccan dessert made with almonds, sugar, and honey. They are shaped into small balls and coated in a layer of sugar. The bowl is filled with a variety of colors and textures, and it suggests a sense of sweetness and joy. The teapot is made of copper and is decorated with traditional Moroccan patterns. The cups are made of ceramic and are also decorated with traditional Moroccan patterns. The scene suggests a relaxing and enjoyable time, perhaps with friends or family.
Fekkas are often served with Moroccan tea, which is a strong, sweet tea made with green tea leaves, mint, and sugar. Fekkas and Moroccan tea are a classic combination that is often enjoyed together during social gatherings.


A photo of two hands cutting Faqqas, a traditional Moroccan dessert made with almonds, sugar, and honey. The hands are gloved to protect them from the heat. The Qasqas are in a pan, and they are being shaped into small balls. The scene suggests that someone is preparing a delicious Moroccan dessert.

Making fekkas is a relatively simple process. The dough is first made by combining flour, eggs, sugar, and butter. The dough is then rolled out and filled with a mixture of ground almonds, sugar, and spices. The filled dough is then cut into shapes and baked in a wood-fired oven.

A photo of feqqas, a traditional Moroccan dessert made with almonds, sugar, and honey. The Qasqas are small, round balls that are coated in a layer of sugar. They are a golden brown color and have a smooth, creamy texture. The Qasqas are a popular Moroccan dessert that is often served during special occasions.


Fekkas are a traditional Moroccan almond cookie that is a staple of Moroccan cuisine. They are made with a simple dough of flour, eggs, sugar, and butter, and are filled with a mixture of ground almonds, sugar, and spices. Fekkas are typically baked in a wood-fired oven, which gives them their characteristic crispy exterior and chewy interior.

If you are looking to buy fekkas, there are a few places you can look:

  • Online retailers

There are a number of online retailers that sell fekkas, including:

°World Market

  • Moroccan grocery stores

If you live in an area with a large Moroccan population, you may be able to find fekkas at a Moroccan grocery store.

  • Middle Eastern grocery stores

Some Middle Eastern grocery stores also sell fekkas.

  • Specialty food stores

Some specialty food stores may also sell fekkas.

  • Bakeries

Some bakeries, particularly those that specialize in Middle Eastern pastries, may also sell fekkas.

When buying fekkas, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Price: Fekkas can vary in price depending on the retailer and the quality of the ingredients.
  • Ingredients: Be sure to check the ingredients list to make sure that the fekkas are made with the ingredients you prefer.
  • Shipping: If you are buying fekkas online, be sure to factor in the cost of shipping.

Some tips for storing fekkas:

  • Store fekkas in an airtight container at room temperature.
  • Fekkas can be stored for up to 2 weeks.
  • If you want to extend the shelf life of fekkas, you can freeze them for up to 3 months.

Fekkas are a delicious and traditional Moroccan cookie that is perfect for enjoying with a cup of tea or coffee. With a little planning, you can easily find fekkas to enjoy at home.