Briouat With Almonds: A Delicious and Versatile Moroccan Dessert

Briouates are a Moroccan sweet pastry made with a thin dough filled with a mixture of almonds, sugar, and spices. They are a popular dessert in Morocco, especially during the month of Ramadan.


The exact origins of briouates are unknown, but they are believed to have been around for centuries. The first known written mention of briouates dates back to the 11th century, when they were mentioned in a cookbook by the Andalusian scholar Ibn Razin al-Tujibi.

A thin, flaky pastry sheet, used to make the Moroccan dish pastilla. The sheet is made with flour, water, and butter, and it is rolled out into a thin layer. The sheet is then filled with a variety of ingredients, such as chicken, almonds, and spices.Briouates are traditionally made with a dough made from flour, water, and salt. 

The dough is rolled out into thin sheets, and then a mixture of almonds, sugar, and spices is spread over the dough. The dough is then rolled up into a spiral shape, and then cut into small pieces. The briouates are then fried in oil until golden brown.

Moroccan mint tea and almond briouats: A perfect pair

Moroccan mint tea and almond briouats are two of the most iconic culinary delights of Morocco. The refreshing sweetness of the tea perfectly complements the rich, nutty flavor of the pastries, making them a popular pairing for both casual gatherings and special occasions.

The combination of Moroccan mint tea and almond briouats is a true taste of Morocco. The tea's minty freshness helps to cut through the richness of the pastries, while the sweetness of the pastries complements the bitterness of the tea. Together, they create a harmonious and satisfying flavor experience.

In addition to their delicious taste, Moroccan mint tea and almond briouats also have a number of cultural and social significance. The tea is often served as a welcome gesture to guests, and it is also a popular accompaniment to meals. The pastries are often served at special occasions, such as weddings and holidays.

If you are ever lucky enough to try Moroccan mint tea and almond briouats, be sure to savor the experience. It is a true taste of Morocco, and a culinary delight that you will not soon forget.

Briouates are a popular dessert during the month of Ramadan. They are often served during iftar, the meal that breaks the fast. Briouates are a good source of energy and nutrients, making them a perfect way to break the fast.

Briouates are a delicious and versatile Moroccan sweet that can be enjoyed on any occasion. They are a great way to celebrate the month of Ramadan or simply enjoy a sweet treat.


Briouats aux amandes are a delicious and popular Moroccan pastry. They are made with phyllo dough filled with a sweet almond paste, and then fried or baked. Briouats aux amandes are often served as a dessert or snack, and they can be enjoyed hot or cold.

If you are looking for Briouats aux amandes, there are a few different places where you can buy them.

1. Moroccan grocery stores

The best place to buy Briouats aux amandes is at a Moroccan grocery store. These stores will typically have a wide variety of Briouats aux amandes to choose from, including both fresh and frozen varieties.

2. Online retailers

There are also a number of online retailers that sell Briouats aux amandes. This is a convenient option if you do not have a Moroccan grocery store near you. However, it is important to note that shipping costs can be high for Briouats aux amandes.

3. Make your own

If you are feeling adventurous, you can also make your own Briouats aux amandes. This is a great option if you want to be able to control the ingredients and the sweetness of the pastries. However, it is important to note that making Briouats aux amandes can be time-consuming.

Some tips for buying Briouats aux amandes:

  • If you are buying Briouats aux amandes from a Moroccan grocery store, ask the store clerk for recommendations. They will be able to help you choose the best Briouats aux amandes for your taste.
  • If you are buying Briouats aux amandes from an online retailer, read the reviews carefully before you make a purchase. This will help you to ensure that you are getting a quality product.
  • If you are making your own Briouats aux amandes, be sure to use fresh ingredients. This will help to ensure that your Briouats aux amandes are delicious.

No matter where you buy your Briouats aux amandes, you are sure to enjoy this delicious Moroccan pastry.